Does regular walking improve lipid levels in adults?
- Author:
- Kayla Hatchell, MD
- Emily Chin, DO
- Brian Vukelic, MD
- Katherine Fortenberry, PhD
- Dominick Ose, DrPH
- Eliza Taylor, MPH, BS, CHES
- Rachel Goossen, MD
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Minimally. Regular moderate- intensity walking for a period of 4 or more weeks minimally decreased total cholesterol (TC)...
Which detoxification regimens are effective for alcohol withdrawal syndrome?
- Author:
- Rachel Caspar, MD
- Katherine Fortenberry, PhD
- Jennifer Leiser, MD
- Dominik Ose, DrPH, MPH
- Joan Nashelsky, MLS
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Benzodiazepines remain the first-line regimen for alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) and are the only class more effective...
How much does weight loss affect hypertension?
- Author:
- Katherine Fortenberry, PhD
- Janet Ricks, DO
- Fran E. Kovach, MLIS, AHIP
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: WEIGHT LOSS OF 4 KG by diet reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) by 4.5 and 3.2 mm Hg, respectively (SOR: A,...