Nail Unit Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Updates on Diagnosis, Surgical Approach, and the Use of Mohs Micrographic Surgery
- Author:
- Mohammed Dany, MD, PhD
Nail unit squamous cell carcinoma (NSCC) is the most common malignant nail neoplasm, and yet its diagnosis often is delayed, partly due to the...
PD-1 Signaling in Extramammary Paget Disease
- Author:
- Mohammed Dany, MD, PhD
Given the advances of immunotherapy in the field of oncology and the paucity of effective agents to treat extramammary Paget disease (EMPD), this...
The DNA Mismatch Repair System in Sebaceous Tumors: An Update on the Genetics and Workup of Muir-Torre Syndrome
- Author:
- Mohammed Dany, MD, PhD
When patients present with a solitary sebaceous tumor, there is a high likelihood they have Muir-Torre syndrome and thus are at a high risk to...