
The easy way to talk about penises
- Author:
- Rachel S. Rubin, MD
Publish date: November 13, 2023
Clogging the arteries of the heart is called a heart attack; clogging the arteries to the penis is a penis attack, or as doctors like to call it,...
‘Vaginal dryness’ can be fatal. No, really.
- Author:
- Rachel S. Rubin, MD
Publish date: October 12, 2023
The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections.
Don’t call them ‘private parts’
- Author:
- Rachel S. Rubin, MD
Publish date: September 14, 2023
Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may...
The four questions you should ask about sexual health
- Author:
- Rachel S. Rubin, MD
Publish date: August 1, 2023
Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.