Breast cancer screening in women receiving antipsychotics
- Author:
- Tahir Rahman, MD
- Simone A. Bernstein, MD
- Madeline J. Nykamp, MD
Women with severe mental illness (SMI) are more likely to develop breast cancer and often have more advanced stages of breast cancer when it is...
Can mood stabilizers reduce chronic pain in patients with bipolar disorder?
- Author:
- Tahir Rahman, MD
- David Ash, MD
Lithium and carbamazepine provide significant analgesia in patients with bipolar disorder and chronic pain.
Breast cancer
- Author:
- Tahir Rahman, MD
Manic and nonadherent, with a diagnosis of breast cancer
- Author:
- Tahir Rahman, MD
- Virginia Kaklamani, MD, DSc
Ms. A, age 58, is admitted with new-onset agitation and auditory hallucinations. She has a history of bipolar disorder and recently had a...
Depressed, suicidal, and brittle in her bones
- Author:
- Tahir Rahman, MD
- Emily F. Cole, MPH
- Deepika D. Parmar
Ms. E, age 20, describes depression, mania, and suicidal ideation. She also has fragile bones that have led to 62 fractures. How would you treat...