
$30 million NIA consortium explores links between vascular health and Alzheimer’s disease




BETHESDA, MD. – Cerebral vascular dysfunction exerts a significant negative influence on cognition, doubling the risk of dementia in old age and speeding the rate of cognitive decline.

These findings have been confirmed in a number of studies, and their advancement in both research and clinical arenas continues. But studies of the vascular conditions that affect cognition remain largely observational. Intervention trials are few and limited in scope. The dearth of animal models that express compromised cerebral vascular function has made conducting basic studies feel like wheels spinning in the mud.

According to investigators who discussed the problem at the recent Alzheimer’s Disease–Related Dementias 2016 Summit, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, the situation calls for a targeted push to better understand vascular complications and their impact on cognition and the development of dementias – and a new, 5-year NIH research program aims to do just that.

M²OVE–AD: Molecular Mechanisms of the Vascular Etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease, is a $30 million initiative that brings together more than a dozen research teams. Investigators will employ new molecular profiling technologies and big data analytics to understand how vascular dysfunction influences the development of Alzheimer’s. The teams will collaborate on five different projects, each exploring a different facet of these complex processes, according to Dr. Suzana Petanceska, program director of the neuroscience division at the National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, Md., who shared her thoughts after the meeting.

“The central goal of the consortium is to generate a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms linking vascular risk factors, cerebrovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s, and to generate a new big-data resource that will aid the discovery of therapeutic targets for disease treatment and prevention and molecular signatures that can be used as biomarkers for disease risk,” Dr. Petanceska said in an interview.

Following a new trend of sharing Alzheimer’s research data across public and academic domains, data generated by this program will be made rapidly available to the greater research community. “Making these complex biological data sets available and usable by researchers other than the data generators is key to accelerating the pace at which the research community can generate new knowledge and replicate new findings. The M²OVE–AD initiative builds on the open-science approach established by the Accelerating Medicines Partnership – AD Programand Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). By coordinating the experimental and analytical approaches the research teams will maximize the usability of the data generated on these projects.”

Five complementary projects comprise the consortium:

Integrative Translational Discovery of Vascular Risk Factors in Aging and Dementia

Researchers at the Mayo Clinics in Minnesota and Florida will collaborate with those at the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology, New York, to explore how molecular networks influence vascular risk in normal aging, as well as in Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

The project’s goal is to understand how gender and the Alzheimer’s disease risk factor gene ApoE4 influence the molecular processes that lead to Alzheimer’s-related cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA).

CAA appears to be a key player in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The health of small vessels of the brain is important not only in age-related cognitive decline, but also in amyloid clearance. When amyloid collects in these vessels, it may cause a potentially self-sustaining loop of vascular injury and impaired amyloid clearance, which causes more intravascular amyloid deposition, more CAA, and increasing amyloid pathology.

The team intends to use genetic and expression profiling data from human brain and bloods samples, as well as existing molecular, clinical, and pathologic data in hopes of discovering therapeutic targets. The dynamic interaction between gender, apoE4 and aging and its impact on various AD pathologic and clinical traits will be explored in an array of existing and new animal models.

“Integrating the analysis of multidimensional human data with studies in animal models will accelerate the speed with which the findings can be translated to new interventions for treatment and prevention,” Dr. Petanceska said.

Interdisciplinary Research to Understand the Interplay of Diabetes, Cerebrovascular Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease

Type 2 diabetes mellitus and prediabetes metabolic abnormalities affect one-third of U.S. adults and the majority of persons aged 60 years and older. Diabetes is associated with a higher risk of the clinical manifestations of AD, including dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Hispanics in the United States have higher rates of diabetes, putting them at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Investigators at Columbia University and SUNY Downstate Medical Center, both in New York, will examine the complex relationship between diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s in a cohort of 200 middle-aged Hispanic participants, with either normal glucose metabolism, prediabetes, or type 2 diabetes; the subjects will be followed for 5 years with whole-brain magnetic resonance imaging and a variety of cognitive measures. The brain imaging will track AD-like functional and pathologic changes and vascular lesions.


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