This Month in CHEST: Editor’s Picks


Phase 3 Study of Reslizumab in Patients With Poorly Controlled Asthma: Effects Across a Broad Range of Eosinophil Counts. By Dr. J. Corren, et al.

Reslizumab for Inadequately Controlled Asthma With Elevated Blood Eosinophil Levels: A Randomized Phase III Study. By Dr. L. Bjermar, et al.

A Critical Review of the Quality of Cough Clinical Practice Guidelines. By Dr. M. Jiang, et al.

Procalcitonin as an Early Marker of the Need for Invasive Respiratory or Vasopressor Support in Adults With Community-Acquired Pneumonia. By Dr. W. H. Self, et al.

Evaluation of Pulmonary Nodules: Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines for Asia. By Dr. C. Bai, et al.

Occupational and Environmental Contributions to Chronic Cough in Adults: Chest Expert Panel Report. By Dr. S. M. Tarlo, et al, on behalf of the CHEST Expert Cough Panel.

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