How Will You Champion Lung Health in 2018?


Our CHEST Foundation grantees are doing amazing research and community service projects that are paving the way for change and improvements in chest medicine. How will you help champion lung health?

“This award carries great importance to me as a young clinician who is in the early phase of my career. I’m driven by my passion for researching this disease (PAH). This award helps establish me as a strong clinical researcher – where I see my career heading. It also helps us identify those clues that can lead to changing how this disease state is treated. Everything starts with an idea.”

Sandeep Sahay, MD, FCCP
Houston Methodist Hospital – Houston, Texas
CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Title: Alterations of Estrogen Metabolism in the Development of Portopulmonary Hypertension

Dr. Sandeep Sahay

“This grant has allowed me to do this project, period. Having support from the CHEST Foundation automatically gives me credibility at my new institution. As I would meet with people to discuss my project, they would see that a big organization is supporting me, and that is the outside validation to show that this must be a useful project. The grant really helps me hit the ground running, and plants the seed to help us do a larger project in the future.”

Drew Harris, MD
Yale University – New Haven, Connecticut
CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Asthma

Title: Utilizing Medical-Legal Partnership to Promote Asthma Health Equity

Dr. Drew Harris

“I recently completed my MD, and because of this grant, I am able to do a completely independent research study. I’ve also been recently short-listed for a clinical lecturer post at my university...which positions me to be the lead for quantitative imaging should I receive the post. This grant added gravitas to my project, and, without it, I don’t think I would have had as big of a boost.”

Diana Crossley, MBChB
University Hospital Birmingham – Birmingham, England
CHEST Foundation and the Alpha-1 Foundation Research Grant in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

Title: Functional Magnetic Resonance Lung Imaging Using Inhaled Hyperpolarised 129Xenon: A Pilot Study of the Clinical Utility in Alpha One Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD).

“Because of this grant, we are able to be effective teachers to Haitian pediatricians, so they can more effectively intervene and save childrens’ lives. We are able to translate these critical care materials into French and provide the best opportunity for learning to our colleagues there.”

Adam Silverman, MD

Dr. Adam Silverman

Connecticut Children’s Medical Center – Hartford, Connecticut
CHEST Foundation Community Service Grant Honoring D. Robert McCaffree, MD, Master FCCP

Title: Haitian Pediatric Critical Care Collaborative Training Course

The CHEST Foundation is accepting grant applications now until March 31 in the following areas:

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Lung Cancer – $50,000 - $100,000 2-year grant*

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Asthma - $15,000 - $30,000 1-year grant*

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension - $25,000 - $50,000 1-year grant*

• CHEST Foundation and the Alpha-1 Foundation Research Grant in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency - $25,000 1-year grant

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Pulmonary Fibrosis – $50,000 1-year grant

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – $50,000 1-year grant

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Venous Thromboembolism - $15,000 – $30,000 1-year grant*

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Disease - $30,000 1-year grant

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Women’s Lung Health - $10,000 1-year grant

• CHEST Foundation Research Grant in Cystic Fibrosis – $15,000 – $30,000 1-year grant

• CHEST Foundation Community Service Grant Honoring D. Robert McCaffree, MD, Master FCCP - $2,500- $15,000 1-year grant

*Amount contingent on funding.

Go to to apply now.

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