Clinician educator opportunities at CHEST 2018


Are you a clinician educator? Chances are, the answer is yes! Teaching is integral to the practice of chest medicine, whether the audience is medical students, residents, fellows, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, respiratory therapists, or patients. If you are interested in further developing this essential skill, CHEST 2018 has you covered! This year at the annual meeting, you will be offered more than 25 hours of content focused on enhancing your teaching.

If most of your teaching is in an academic setting, be sure to make time for the CHEST/APCCMPD Symposium on Sunday afternoon. Here you will learn from experienced program directors and faculty how to implement state-of-the art faculty development methods. You will also have the opportunity to discuss your own experience giving feedback to learners, as best practices are discussed and shared. And the Sunday content doesn’t stop there; we also have sessions on ICU burnout – an important factor for all of us – and the use of new mobile technologies to enhance your teaching.

Monday’s sessions will cover teaching in several different settings. First up, a session covering several techniques you can use to teach one-on-one or in a small group setting – perfect for enhancing your teaching during rounds! Next, learn practical tips to increase the impact of your teaching in a large group lecture or a small group session. The afternoon opens with the latest innovations in Pulmonary and Critical Care fellowship training, to keep you abreast of the newest opportunities for your learners, and a session at the end of the day reviews advances in the teaching of point-of-care ultrasound. Finally, don’t miss the 3:15 symposium on tips to get your CHEST Foundation Grant funded – this session will be pure gold for increasing your proposal’s chance for success!

Educators will also be interested in the Tuesday sessions on implicit bias. Although educators always have clear and defined curriculum that we teach to our learners, we can all recognize when a “hidden curriculum” exists. This hidden curriculum can influence our learning and working environment in positive or negative ways. Learning more about our implicit biases can help tilt the balance in the right direction!

Above and beyond the didactics, CHEST 2018 will offer many opportunities for clinician educators beyond what I’ve described here. While you are planning your personal meeting schedule, be sure to make time for networking with other clinician educators from around the globe. As is the case with so many other skills, we are better teachers together!

Looking forward to seeing you at CHEST 2018!

For more on CHEST Annual Meeting 2018—

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