
CHEST NetWorks


Sleep Medicine

Pediatric Sleep Disorders

The Sleep Medicine Network has worked hard to contribute to the CHEST 2018 exciting program of events by highlighting hot topics, discussing clinical controversies, and presenting challenging cases in sleep medicine. The goal of the Sleep Medicine Network has been to design content relevant to the diverse audience attending CHEST in San Antonio this year.

This goal includes topics relevant to pediatric sleep medicine. Why is this important to the larger audience at CHEST? Demand for pediatric sleep physicians significantly out paces access in many areas of this country (Phillips et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015;192[8]:915). Adult sleep physicians may treat older children or adolescents in their practice, they may care for medically complex children when they transition to adulthood, and they may be asked for advice regarding the sleep concerns of children of their friends and colleagues. Sleep problems in children are common and may affect up to a quarter of children at some point during their lifetime (Owens. Prim Care. 2008;35[3]:533). The entire household is affected when children are not receiving adequate sleep; the sleep of their caregivers and family members is impacted. While many similarities exist between adult and pediatric sleep medicine, physicians who regularly care for children need to be aware of the important differences in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric sleep disorders.

How else can we connect with your practice? If you have an important topic you would like considered for CHEST 2019 please seek out the Sleep Medicine Network meeting in San Antonio, so we can continue to generate relevant content for your practice.

Julie Baughn, MD
Steering Committee Member


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