News From CHEST Physician®

News from your CHEST Foundation


As the NetWorks Challenge draws to a close, CHEST Foundation staff want to thank every member who donated to support this year’s drive for our COVID-19 Community Grants. When the fund was established in April, we started with a pool of $60,000 to award to patient support groups and small community organizations providing resources and interventions for those most vulnerable to develop severe complications from COVID-19 – American’s living with chronic lung disease. Within 2 months, we’d awarded all available funds to 25 organizations and had several others still seeking funding. The lion’s share of these groups were providing direct service to medically fragile and isolated patients – purchasing PPE, cleaning supplies, pulse oximeters, and even groceries to patients who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these critical supplies.

Because of YOUR support of the NetWorks Challenge, we are proud to share that we are providing an additional $43,850 in support of COVID-19 Community Grants. Because of you – we can continue to provide vital funding to support group members who lives’ you’ve changed forever.

“Receiving the CHEST Foundation grant for COVID-19 support was a real boost to all of our spirits. Our staff have been working tirelessly to care for our residents 24/7, and there have been some trying and exhausting moments. When we received the community-based grant, it reminded us that there are still people in our community cheering us on, and it’s an acknowledgment that our clients matter just as much to the community as they do to us, personally.” –– Katherine A. Brown, St. Coletta’s of Illinois

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