SHM Converge

In-hospital resuscitation: Focus on effective chest pumps, prompt shocks



The keys to effective resuscitation in the hospital setting include effective compression and early defibrillation, according to Jessica Nave Allen, MD, FHM, a hospitalist with Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. She spoke about best practices in resuscitation medicine recently at SHM Converge, the annual conference of the Society of Hospital Medicine.

Dr. Jessica Nave, assistant professor of medicine, division of hospital medicine, Emory University, Atlanta

Dr. Jessica Nave Allen

“We know CPR [cardiopulmonary resuscitation] and shocking are the two biggest determinants of outcomes, so really strive to make those chest compressions really high quality,” said Dr. Allen. She urged hospitalists to consider mechanical piston compressions and even “reverse CPR” when appropriate.

Dr. Allen offered several other tips about effective in-hospital resuscitation.

Don’t overcrowd the hospital room

There shouldn’t be more than eight people inside the room during a code, she said. If you’re the code leader, “make sure that somebody has already started high-quality chest compressions. You want to make sure that somebody is already on the airway. It’s usually two people, one person to actually hold the mask down to make sure there’s a good seal, and the other person to deliver the breaths.”

Two to three people should be assigned to chest compressions, Dr. Allen said, “and you need one or two nurses for medication delivery and grabbing things from the runners. And then you need to have a recorder and the code leader. Everyone else who’s not in one of those formalized roles needs to be outside the room. That includes the pharmacist, who usually stands at the door if you don’t have a code pharmacist at your institution.”

A helpful mnemonic for the resuscitation process is I(CA)RAMBO, which was developed at Tufts Medical Center and published in 2020, she said. The mnemonic stands for the following:

  • I: Identify yourself as code leader.
  • CA: Compression, Airway.
  • R: Roles (assign roles in the resuscitation).
  • A: Access (intravenous access is preferred to intraosseous, per the American Heart Association’s , unless intravenous access is unavailable, Dr. Allen noted).
  • M: Monitor (make sure pads are placed correctly; turn the defibrillator on).
  • B: Backboard.
  • O: Oxygen.

Focus on high-quality chest compressions

The number of chest compressions must be 100-120 per minute, Dr. Allen said. You can time them to the beat of a song, such as “Stayin’ Alive,” or with a metronome, she said, “but whatever it is, you need to stay in that window.”

The correct compression depth is 2-2.4 inches. “That’s very difficult to do during the middle of a code, which is why it’s important to allow full recoil,” she said. “This doesn’t mean taking your hands off of the chest: You should actually never take your hands off of the chest. But you should allow the chest wall to return to its normal state. Also, make sure you aren’t off the chest for more for 10 seconds whenever you’re doing a rhythm check.”

Audiovisual feedback devices can provide insight into the quality of chest compressions. For example, some defibrillators are equipped with sensors that urge users to push harder and faster when appropriate. “Studies have shown that the quality of chest compressions goes up when you use these devices,” she said.


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