News From CHEST Physician®

Add hands-on and interactive learning opportunities to your CHEST 2023 schedule


As part of the 300+ educational sessions attendees will find at CHEST 2023 in Hawai’i, ticketed sessions are available for learners looking to attend smaller group sessions or experience hands-on learning.


Explore the many ticketed sessions, and sign up early in case they sell out.

Simulation sessions

If you’re looking to gain hands-on exposure to equipment and tools that may not be available at your home institution, look no further than these simulation sessions. Choose from 25 different sessions offering firsthand experience with procedures relevant to your clinical practice.

“It’s a great opportunity to teach higher stakes procedures in a very low stakes environment where everybody’s comfortable and everybody’s learning from each other,” said Live Learning Subcommittee Chair, Nicholas Pastis, MD, FCCP.

CHEST 2023 simulation sessions will address clinical topics, including endobronchial ultrasound, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), intubation and cricothyrotomy, bronchoscopy management, and more. These sessions are taught by experts who use these real-world strategies in their daily practice.

CHEST 2022 attendee, Weston Bowker, MD, found value in the simulation courses he was able to attend in Nashville.

“It’s fantastic just to work with some of the leading experts in the field, especially from an interventional pulmonology standpoint. And, you truly get a different experience than maybe what your home institution offers,” he said.

Problem-based learning sessions

Exercise your critical thinking skills by working to resolve real-world clinical problems during these small group sessions. Refine your expertise on topics like lung cancer screening and staging, biologics in asthma, pneumonia, and more.

“Problem-based learning courses take a clinical problem or case study that is somewhat controversial to create a learning environment where the problem itself drives the learning with participants,” said CHEST 2023 Scientific Program Committee Chair, Aneesa Das, MD, FCCP. “These are small group sessions where learners can actively participate and collaborate to discuss various perspectives on the issue and work toward potential solutions.”

This year’s problem-based learning courses were chosen based on common controversies in chest medicine and current hot topics in medicine.

Dr. Das is excited for the Using CPET to Solve Your Difficult Cases course. “Cardiopulmonary exercise tests can sometimes be difficult even for seasoned physicians. This is always an amazing problem-based learning topic,” she added.

Meet the Professor sessions

Connect with leading chest medicine experts during these limited-capacity discussions capped at 24 registrants per session. Meet the Professor attendees will have the opportunity to engage in stimulating conversations on bronchiectasis, central airway obstructions, obesity hypoventilation, and sublobar resection.

“Meet the Professor sessions are a unique opportunity to interact and learn from a leader in the field in a very small group setting on a high-yield topic,” said Dr. Das. “These sessions allow for a learning environment that is personalized and intimate.”

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