
Addressing disparities in goals-of-care conversations


Critical Care Network

Nonrespiratory Critical Care Section

Goals-of-care discussions are essential to management of the intensive care unit (ICU) patient. Racial inequities in end-of-life decision making have been documented for many years, with literature demonstrating that marginalized populations are less likely to have EHR-documented goals-of-care discussions and more likely to have concerns regarding clinician communication.

A recently published randomized control trial in JAMA highlights an intervention that offers promise in addressing disparities in goals-of-care conversations. Curtis, et al. studied whether priming physicians with a communication guide advising on discussion prompts and language for goals-of-care could improve the rate of documented goals-of-care discussions among hospitalized older adults with serious illness. The study found that for patients in the intervention arm, there was a significant increase in proportion of goals-of-care discussions within 30 days. Notably, the difference in documented goals-of-care discussions between arms was greater in the subgroup of patients from underserved groups (Curtis JR, et al. JAMA. 2023;329[23]:2028-37).

Nevertheless, while interventions may help increase the rate of goals-of-care discussions, it is also important to address the content of discussions themselves. You and colleagues recently published a mixed-methods study assessing the impact of race on shared decision-making behaviors during family/caregiver meetings. The authors found that while ICU physicians approached shared decision making with White and Black families similarly, Black families felt their physicians provided less validation of the family role in decision making than White families did (You H, et al. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2023 May;20[5]:759-62). These findings highlight the importance of ongoing work that focuses not only on quantity but also on quality of communication regarding goals-of-care for patients from diverse backgrounds.

Divya Shankar MD
Section Fellow-in-Training

Muhammad Hayat-Syed MD
Section Vice Chair

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