
Networks at CHEST 2023


CHEST 2023 in Honolulu kicked off for Network Leadership during the Council of Networks meeting. Leadership from the seven Networks presented their plans for CHEST 2023, participation in proposed guidelines, CHEST projects completed over the past year, and other accomplishments.

We congratulated our Network leaders – Margaret Pisani, Council of Networks Vice-chair, who was awarded the Roger C. Bone Memorial Lecture in Critical Care; and Jean Elwing, Chair of the Pulmonary Vascular & Cardiovascular Network, for being awarded the Distinguished Scientist Honor Lecture in Cardiopulmonary Physiology. CHEST 2023 included excellent educational content by the Networks, including two Network highlights per each of the seven Networks, as well as an Experience CHEST submission from each of the 22 sections.

We also had the opportunity to meet face-to-face at the Network Open Forums, the Network Mixer, and the inaugural Fellow-in-Training Mixer in the Trainee Lounge. We saw a lot of familiar faces at these events, and 182 new individuals also signed up to become Network members.

There will be one final Council of Networks leadership meeting in December prior to our leadership transition in January.

We thank outgoing Network chairs, Dr. Marcos Restrepo of the Chest Infections & Disaster Response Network, Dr. Christopher Carroll of the Critical Care Network, Dr. Debbie Levine of the Diffuse Lung Disease & Lung Transplant Network, and Dr. Carolyn D’Ambrosio of the Sleep Medicine Network, for their leadership and hard work dedicated to the Networks that have greatly benefited from their service.

Cassie Kennedy, MD, FCCP – Chair, Council of Networks

Margaret Pisani, MD, MPH, FCCP – Vice-Chair, Council of Networks

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