Cardiothoracic Surgery
VTE rate does not accurately measure quality of care
Major finding: Hospitals that adhered consistently to VTE reduction protocols had higher rates of VTE, although not significantly so (P = .03).
Conference Coverage
TAVR shows large survival benefit in diabetes patients
Major finding: In patients with diabetes, 1-year mortality was 18% after TAVR and 27% after SAVR in a post hoc analysis.Data source: The PARTNER I...
FDA drops access points from Sapien transcatheter valve label
How to foil post-CABG aspirin resistance
Major finding: The median serum thromboxane level on the morning of post CABG day 4 was 13.3 ng/mL in the group on aspirin at 81 mg once daily, 3....
Conference Coverage
Prophylactic beta-blockers and noncardiac surgery: It's complicated!
Major finding: Patients with heart failure who were on beta-blocker therapy at the time of noncardiac surgery had a 22% reduction in 30-day major...
CABG mortality goal elusive without process improvements
Major finding: The STS PROM was significantly correlated with coronary artery bypass grafting mortality in both linear (odds ratio 1.89; P less...
Early surgery vs. watchful waiting for flail mitral leaflets
Major finding: Survival at 5, 10, and 20 years was 95%, 86%, and 63%, respectively, with early surgery, compared with 84%, 69%, and 41%,...
Edwards to start U.S. trial of SAPIEN 3
PULMONARY PERSPECTIVES®: Treatment of Lung Cancer in the High-Risk Patient
Stenting, then heart surgery best approach for carotid, coronary disease
Major finding: Short-term outcomes among patients undergoing carotid revascularization and open heart surgery were comparable among those who had...