From the Journals
Pulmonary rehabilitation: Similar benefit in both IPF and COPD patients
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Novel bronchoscopic interventions appear promising for patients with COPD
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Sepsis multiplies in-hospital mortality risk in COPD
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Life-threatening paradoxical bronchospasm may escape recognition in patients with COPD or asthma
Greater recognition and more education is needed, according to an investigator who conducted a study of spirometry tests at a VA medical center....
From the Journals
COPD: Higher mortality with low baseline CO diffusing capacity
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Earliest 9/11 responders have higher COPD rates
Should magnesium be used for COPD exacerbations?
From the Journals
Some patients with more severe PH in COPD may respond to treatment
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Obesity hypoventilation: Moving the needle on underrecognition
Fewer dangerous COPD flare-ups during COVID-19