Hospice & Palliative Medicine
Cancer patients embrace pioneer assisted-suicide program
Major finding: None of the 114 patients who participated in the Death with Dignity (assisted-suicide) program during a 2-year period, nor their...
Prescription is futile: Medication burden remains high at end of life
Major finding: At some point in their end of life care, 39% of patients received futile medications and 19% received duplicate medications.Data...
What's in a name: Is the moniker 'palliative care' too loaded?
Major finding: The term supportive care was rated significantly higher than palliative care for overall understanding (mean 7.7 vs. 6.8; P = .021...
MOPAT may guide pain evaluation, relief in noncommunicative patients
Major finding: Pain scores as rated by staff nurses decreased significantly after the pain interventions on the behavioral (mean, 6.3 vs. 1.7) and...
Networks: A survey, a course, unique liaisons, and more
Top oncologists share clinical, supportive care updates
Duloxetine reduces chemo-induced neuropathy
Major finding: Study subjects were 2.4 times more likely to experience a 50% pain reduction while taking duloxetine than while taking placebo.Data...