
Case report: Male with acute new-onset suicidal ideation tied to SARS-CoV-2


Posthospitalization course

The patient’s clinical course cleared remarkably. He was seen for his initial psychiatric outpatient assessment postpsychiatric hospitalization on Nov. 9, as he had not yet been formally evaluated by the psychiatrist because of the emergency situation.

Gabapentin 300 mg by mouth at bedtime was started, and his sleep architecture was restored. The initial plan to titrate venlafaxine XR into dual selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor dose range was terminated, and his psychiatrist considered tapering and discontinuing the venlafaxine XR. A clinical examination, additional history, and collateral data no longer necessarily pointed to an active major depressive disorder or even unspecified depressive disorder, though to be sure, the patient was taking 75 mg of venlafaxine XR. While there were seasonal stressors, historically, nothing had risen to the level of MDD.

The obsessions driving his thoughts to jump off buildings and bridges had completely remitted. His cognitive ability returned to baseline with an ability to focus and perform the complicated tasks of his high-intensity work by the Dec. 8 psychiatric examination, where he was accompanied by his wife. He described feeling like, “I snapped back to like I was before this crazy stuff happened.” His mood was reported as, “Very good; like my old self” and this was confirmed by his wife. His affect was calmer and less tense. He was now using gabapentin sparingly for sleep. We continued to entertain discontinuing the venlafaxine XR, considering this recent severe episode likely driven by the COVID-19 virus. The decision was made to continue venlafaxine XR through the winter rather than discontinuing, remaining on the conservative side of treatment. The patient’s diagnosis was changed from “MDD, single episode,” to “mood disorder due to known physiologic condition (COVID-19) (F06.31) with depressive features; resolving.” At the patient’s follow-up examination on Jan. 5, 2022, he was continuing to do well, stating, “The whole series of crazy events happened to someone else.” The hydrochlorothiazide had been discontinued, and the patient’s blood pressure and pulse were normal at 119/81 and 69, respectively. He had made strategic changes at work to lessen stressors during the typically difficult months.


Literature has discussed neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19.2 The cited example questions whether psychiatric symptoms are tied directly to the viral infection or to the “host’s immune response.” We believe our case represents a direct neurocognitive/neuropsychiatric insult due to the COVID-19 infection.

This case presents a 55-year-old male with no previous psychiatric or medical history with new onset significant and debilitating cognitive impairment and obsessive thoughts of throwing himself from his bedroom balcony ending up at a bridge struggling with an irrational thought of jumping; ultimately requiring psychiatric hospitalization for acute suicidal thoughts. The patient’s psychiatric symptoms arose prior to any and all medication treatment. The obsessive thoughts correlated both with the onset of SARS-CoV-2 infection and a period of sleep deprivation subsequent to the infection. A course of steroid treatment and taper were started after the onset of neurocognitive-psychiatric symptoms, though there is close timing. We submit that the patient experienced, as part of the initial neurocognitive psychiatric initiating cascade, a COVID-19–induced sleep deprivation that was not etiologic but part of the process; since, even when sleep returned to normal, it was still several weeks before full cognitive function returned to baseline.

An argument could be made for possible MDD or unspecified depressive disorder, as historically there had been work-related stressors for the patient at this time of year because of the chronological nature of his work; though previously nothing presented with obsessional suicidal thinking and nothing with any cognitive impairment – let alone to this incapacitating degree.

The patient describes his seasonal work much like an accountant’s work at the beginning of each year. In the patient’s case, the months of September and October are historically “nonstop, working days,” which then slow down in the winter months for a period of recuperation. In gathering his past history of symptoms, he denied neurovegetative symptoms to meet full diagnostic criteria for MDD or unspecified depressive disorder, absent this episode in the presence of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

We could also consider a contributory negative “organic push” by the viral load and prednisone helping to express an underlying unspecified depression or MDD, but for the profound and unusual presentation. There was little prodrome of depressive symptoms (again, he reported his “typical” extraordinary work burden for this time of year, which is common in his industry).

In this patient, the symptoms have remitted completely. However, the patient is currently taking venlafaxine XR 75 mg. We have considered tapering and discontinuing the venlafaxine – since it is not entirely clear that he needs to be on this medication – so this question remains an open one. We did decide, however, to continue the venlafaxine until after the winter months and to reassess at that time.

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