
Law & Medicine

Testicular Torsion...

Among the cases is testicular torsion in a young man.

Clinical Review

Managing Peripartum Emergencies

Next time a gravid or postpartum woman presents with a serious complication like intracranial venous thrombosis, hemorrhage, postpartum infection...


Left Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain

What do the associated ultrasound findings tell you about a woman with left lower quadrant abdominal pain and a positive pregnancy test?

Clinical Review

How to Evaluate Vaginal Bleeding and Discharge

Is the bleeding normal or abnormal? When does vaginal discharge reflect something as innocuous as irritation caused by a new soap? And when does...

Clinical Review

Diagnostic Keys to Ectopic Pregnancy

Abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and missed menses can mean many things, but it’s important to rule out the life-threatening possibility of...
