Practice Alert Podcast

What do the new AGA guidelines recommend for opioid-induced constipation?

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New guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) recommend that patients try traditional laxatives first to combat opioid-induced constipation. But what should you do if that approach fails? Dr. Campos-Outcalt succinctly summarizes the AGA’s recommended next steps.



  1. Crockett SD, Greer KB, Heidelbaugh JJ, et al. American Gastroenterological Association Institute Guideline on the Medical Management of Opioid-Induced Constipation . Gastroenterology. 2019;156:218-226.
  2. Rao VL, Micic D, Davis AM. Medical management of opioid-induced constipation . JAMA. 2019;322:2241-2242.
  3. Naldemedine (Symproic) for opioid-induced constipation . Med Lett Drugs Ther . 2017;59:196-198.
  4. Dowell D, Haegerich TM, Chou R. CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain - United States, 2016 . MMWR Recomm Rep . 2016;65:1-49.

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