Applied Evidence

Tips for treating patients with late-life depression

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Pharmacotherapy, Yes, but first, consider these factors

Maintaining a close patient–doctor relationship augments all therapeutic interventions. Good eye contact when listening to and counseling patients is key, as is providing close follow-up appointments.

Encourage social interactions with family and friends, which can be particularly productive. Encouraging spiritual endeavors, such as attendance at religious services, can be beneficial.21

Recommend exercise. Physical exercise yields positive outcomes22; it can enhance mood, improve sleep, and help to diminish anxiety. Encourage patients with depression to take a daily walk during the day; doing so can enhance emotional outlook, health, and even socialization.

What treatment will best serve your patient?

It’s important when caring for patients with depression to assess and address suicidal ideation. Depression with a previous suicide attempt is a strong risk factor for suicide. Inquire about suicidal intent or death wishes, access to guns, and other life-ending behaviors. Whenever suicide is an active issue, immediate crisis management is required. Psychiatric referral is an option, and hospitalization may be indicated. Advise family members to remove firearms or restrict access, be with the patient as much as possible, and assist at intervention planning and implementation.

It is worth mentioning, here, the connection between chronic pain and suicidal ideation. Pain management reduces suicidal ideation, regardless of depression severity.23

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