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Already-available drug could help treat type 1 diabetes
DFMO inhibits the polyamine biosynthesis pathway, which plays a role in the inflammatory responses in autoimmune diseases.
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Sleeping beats sitting? What a new study means for your patients
“Our study highlights that replacing sedentary behavior with any other behavior can be beneficial.”
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Does laughter offer better blood glucose control?
Several diabetes educators have reported that humor can encourage and support diabetes management, said Dr. David Greene.
Conference Coverage
Low-salt diet cut BP by 6 mm Hg in 1 week: CARDIA-SSBP
“The blood pressure reduction we see here is ... comparable to that produced by one antihypertensive medication,” said Dr. Deepak Gupta.
Conference Coverage
Weight-loss drugs improve liver measures, too
Body weight reduction of at least 3% within 8 weeks of beginning treatment with either an SLT-2 or GLP-1 agent was associated independently with...
Case Reports
51-year-old woman • history of Graves disease • general fatigue, palpitations, and hand tremors • Dx?
► History of Graves disease
► General fatigue, palpitations, and hand tremors
Photo Rounds
Painless nodules on legs
The location of the nodules and the patient’s history were important diagnostic clues. The punch biopsy confirmed our suspicions.
Conference Coverage
AI algorithm aids egg retrieval date during fertility treatment cycles
The predictions derived from this study could improve various aspects of fertility treatments and related procedures.
Pervasive ‘forever chemicals’ linked to thyroid cancer?
“Maybe there’s a correlation there, but you’d need to investigate this in much bigger samples, with more controls, and better data, to understand...
From the Journals
Be advised: Thyroid hormones may increase risk of cognitive disorders in older adults
“We are finding more and more complications from overtreatment rather than benefit in this population.”
Latest News
No more hot flashes? AI device could stop menopause symptom
The device would automatically prompt cooling in less than a second, which could effectively stop the hot flash in its tracks or at least help to...