Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
What are effective strategies for reducing the risk of steroid-induced osteoporosis?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Calcium, in combination with vitamin D, prevents bone loss and is recommended in all patients. (Grade of recommendation: A...
Clinical Inquiries
What are the indications for urodynamic testing in older adults with incontinence?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Urodynamic testing is indicated for older adults with incontinence when the underlying cause remains unclear (Grade of...
Clinical Inquiries
What is the best diagnostic approach to paresthesias of the hand?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: There have been no good studies comparing different strategies for the evaluation of the patient with hand paresthesias. A...
Original Research
Original Research
Prevalence of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence
Original Research
Urea breath testing and analysis in the primary care office
Original Research
Stages of change analysis of smokers attending clinics for the medically underserved
Original Research
Effectiveness of a chart prompt about immunizations in an urban health center
Original Research
Primary care family physicians and 2 hospitalist models: Comparison of outcomes, processes, and costs
Original Research
Patient and physician explanatory models for acute bronchitis
Original Research
Efficacy of daily hypertonic saline nasal irrigation among patients with sinusitis: A randomized controlled trial
Original Research
Cancer recurrence and mortality in women using hormone replacement therapy after breast cancer: Meta-analysis
Original Research
Improved detection of depression in primary care through severity evaluation
Original Research
Managing musculoskeletal complaints with rehabilitation therapy: Summary of the Philadelphia Panel evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on musculoskeletal rehabilitation interventions
The hospitalist movement and family practice— An uneasy fit
Nortriptyline effective for smoking cessation
da Costa CL, Younes RN, Lourenco MT. Stopping smoking: a prospective, randomized, double-blind study comparing nortriptyline to placebo. Chest...
Revascularization not superior to conservative treatment of acute coronary syndromes
Fox KA, Poole-Wilson PA, Henderson RA, et al. Interventional versus conservative treatment for patients with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation...
Lansoprazole ineffective for functional dyspepsia
Wong WM, Wong BC, Hung WK, et al. Double blind, randomised, placebo controlled study of four weeks of lansoprazole for the treatment of functional...
Benefits of tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention do not always outweigh overall risks
IBIS Investigators. First results from the International Breast Cancer Intervention Study (IBIS-I): a randomized prevention trial. Lancet 2002;...
Shock wave therapy ineffective for plantar fasciitis
Buchbinder R, Ptasznik R, Gordon J, Buchanan J, Prabaharan V, Forbes A. Ultrasound-guided extracorporeal shock wave therapy for plantar fasciitis...