Applied Evidence
Applied Evidence
Isolated oligohydramnios at term: Is induction indicated?
Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
How should a DEXA scan be used to evaluate bisphosphonate therapy for osteoporosis?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: If bone density is evaluated after initiating bisphosphonate drug therapy, it should be tested no earlier than 2 years (...
Clinical Inquiries
What is the addiction risk associated with tramadol?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Tramadol (Ultram, generic and with acetaminophen in Ultracet) carries a risk of substance abuse (strength of recommendation...
Clinical Inquiries
What are the indications for evaluating a patient with cough for pertussis?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Pertussis should be considered in infants with apnea or severe coughing illnesses of any duration, and in older children or...
Clinical Inquiries
Does quinine reduce leg cramps for young athletes?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Very little evidence exists regarding the use of quinine for cramps in young adult athletes. Quinine may be an effective...
Clinical Inquiries
Can type 2 diabetes be prevented through diet and exercise?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Diets that result in long-term weight loss of 5% to 7%, along with moderate-intensity exercise for more than 150 minutes...
Clinical Inquiries
Does neonatal circumcision decrease morbidity?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Evidence suggests that neonatal circumcision decreases the incidence of childhood urinary tract infections, phimosis,...
Case Reports
Original Research
Original Research
Time requirements for diabetes self-management: Too much for many?
Original Research
Group medical visits and lifestyle modification
Photo Rounds
Photo Rounds
A sore and sensitive tongue