Original Research
Original Research
A worthwhile tool in evaluating worrisome lesions
This study demonstrated the value of using electrical impedance spectroscopy in primary care to manage and diagnose pigmented skin lesions.
Original Research
Is the Altman Rule a proxy for glycemic load?
The evidence supports patient use of this simple equation to evaluate the nutrition labels of packaged carbohydrate foods in the grocery aisle in...
Original Research
Medical assistants identify strategies and barriers to clinic efficiency
This cross-sectional study explored the ways that medical assistants and physicians can work together to ensure that patients receive appropriate...
Original Research
The financial advantages of medical scribes extend beyond increased visits
Employing medical scribes can boost revenue for a practice, the authors show, well beyond being an opportunity to expand patient volume.
Original Research
A high proportion of SARS-CoV-2–infected university students are asymptomatic
Many individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 never become symptomatic. In a South Korean study, these infected individuals remained asymptomatic for...
Original Research
The benefits of a standardized approach to opioid prescribing
This initiative increased patient acceptance of controlled substance agreements and random urine drug screening, and it led many patients to...
Original Research
Can medical scribes improve quality measure documentation?
Yes, according to this study that found significant improvements in the documentation of 4 pay-for-performance quality measures and higher patient...
Original Research
Dialing back opioids for chronic pain one conversation at a time
In this study, significant opioid tapering was achieved following frank discussions and the use of a tapering protocol. And patient-physician...
Original Research
Obstructive sleep apnea: A better Dx model for primary care
This study identified a method that provides a truer assessment of disease probability than has been achieved with history and physical exam...
Original Research
TEAM approach reduced wait time, improved “face” time
An experimental care delivery model shows how staffing and role adjustments can enrich the health care experience for patients, staff, and...
Original Research
Getting the hypertension Dx right: Patient positioning matters
Taking blood pressure with the patient seated on the edge of an exam table led to misclassification of prehypertension or hypertension in 13.2% of...