
Primary Care Provider Programs Get New Funding

In an effort to provide primary care in underserved areas, the HHS will be awarding grants to clinicians and students in exchange for working in those communities.


HHS has announced nearly $300 million in awards to primary care clinicians and students through the National Health Service Corps and NURSE Corps Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs. The grants are awarded in exchange for providing primary care in areas of greatest need.

The funding includes:

  • $42.8 million to the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program for 205 new awards and 8 continuation awards to students who pursueprimary care training leading to a degree in medicine, dentistry, nurse-midwife, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner
  • $164.9 million to National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, providing 3,079 new awards and 2,111 continuation awards to fully trained primary care clinicians

Other funding went to the National Health Service Corps Students to Service Loan Repayment Program, the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program and Loan Repayment Program, the Faculty Loan Repayment Program, and the Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program.

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