
Studies Look at Monoclonal Antibodies for Resistant Infection

The fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria continues as researchers begin to test treatment using monoclonal antibodies.


As more hospitalized patients develop infections that are immune to antibiotics, researchers are looking into new preventive therapies. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious-supported researchers are studying monoclonal antibodies and their effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P aeruginosa ) and Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus ), which are among the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that the World Health Organization says pose the greatest risk to human health.

The monoclonal antibodies can be administered along with standard antibiotic therapy. Monoclonal antibodies have been used in cancer, Ebola, and respiratory syncytial virus but rarely have been used to target bacterial pathogens, National Institute of Health says.

One trial, EVADE, will evaluate the safety of the investigational medicine MEDI3902 and whether it can prevent pneumonia caused by P aeruginosa . The other study, SAATELLITE, will test the safety and efficacy of another investigational medicine, suvratoxumab, against S aureus . The researchers hope to enroll 30 patients from 15 intensive care units.

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