Clinical Review

Transgender Care in the Primary Care Setting: A Review of Guidelines and Literature

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As with all patients, life style modifications, including smoking cessation, weight loss, physical activity, and management of BP and blood sugar, are important for CV health. For transgender women with CV risk factors or known CV disease, transdermal route of estrogen is preferred due to lower rates of VTE.18,19


In recent years, an increased number of transgender individuals are seeking mainstream medical care. However, PCPs often lack the knowledge and training to properly interact with and care for transgender patients. It is critical that clinicians understand the difference between sex, gender, and sexuality. For patients who desire transgender care, providers must be able to comfortably ask the patient about their preferred name and prior care, know the basics in cross-sex hormone therapy, including appropriate follow-up of hormonal levels as well as laboratory tests that delineate risk, and know possible complications and AEs. The VA offers significant resources, including electronic transgender care consultation for cases where the provider does not have adequate expertise in the care of these patients.

Both medical schools and residency training programs are starting to incorporate curricula regarding LGBT care. For those who have already completed training, this article serves as a brief guide to terminology, interactive tips, and management of this growing and underserved group of individuals.


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