Practitioner Forum

Clinical Pharmacist Credentialing and Privileging: A Process for Ensuring High-Quality Patient Care

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Pharmacists may also provide comprehensive medication review services, such as medication therapy management (MTM), transitions of care, or chronic care management. Examples of specialized areas include psychiatric, opioid use disorder, palliative care, infectious disease, chronic pain, or oncology services. For hospitalized patients, pharmacists may monitor pharmacokinetics and adjust dosing, transition patients from IV to oral medications, or complete medication reconciliation.10 Within these clinical roles, pharmacists assist in providing patient care during shortages of other health care providers (HCPs), improve patient outcomes, decrease health care-associated costs by preventing emergency department and hospital admissions or readmissions, increase access to patient care, and increase revenue through pharmacist-managed clinics and services.11

Pharmacist Credentialing

With the advancement of modern clinical pharmacy practice, many pharmacists have undertaken responsibilities to fulfill the complex duties of clinical care and diverse patient situations, but with few or no requirements to prove initial or ongoing clinical competency.2 Traditionally, pharmacist credentialing is limited to a onetime or periodic review of education and licensure, with little to no involvement in privileging and ongoing monitoring of clinical proficiency.10 These quality assurance disparities can be met and satisfied through credentialing and privileging processes. Credentialing and privileging are systematic, evidence-based processes that provide validation to HCPs, employers, and patients that pharmacists are qualified to practice clinically. 2,9 According to the Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy, clinical pharmacists should be held accountable for demonstrating competency and providing quality care through credentialing and privileging, as required for other HCPs.2,12

Credentialing and recredentialing is a primary source verification process. These processes ensure that there are no license restrictions or revocations; certifications are current; mandatory courses, certificates, and continuing education are complete; training and orientation are satisfactory; and any disciplinary action, malpractice claims, or history of impairment is reported. Privileging is the review of credentials and evaluation of clinical training and competence by the Clinical Director and Medical Executive Committee to determine whether a clinical pharmacist is competent to practice within requested privileges.11

Credentialing and privileging processes are designed not only to initially confirm that a pharmacist is competent to practice clinically, but also monitor ongoing performance.2,13 Participation in professional practice evaluations, which includes peer reviews, ongoing professional practice evaluations, and focused professional practice evaluations, is required for all credentialed and privileged practitioners. These evaluations are used to identify, assess, and correct unsatisfactory trends. Individual practices, documentation, and processes are evaluated against existing department standards (eg, CPAs, policies, processes)11,13 The results of individual professional practice evaluations are reviewed with practitioners on a regular basis and performance improvement plans implemented as needed.

Since 2015, 17 pharmacists at the Red Lake IHS health care facility have been granted membership to the medical staff as credentialed and privileged practitioners. In a retrospective review of professional practice evaluations by the Red Lake IHS pharmacy clinical coordinator, 971 outpatient clinical peer reviews, including the evaluation of 21,526 peer-review elements were completed by pharmacists from fiscal year 2015 through 2018. Peer-review elements assessed visit documentation, patient care, and other clinic processes defined by department standards. Beginning in 2016, peer-review feedback was implemented and completed on a quarterly basis with each pharmacist. In fiscal years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, the percentage of peer-review elements found as noncompliant with department standards were 18.0%, 11.6%, 3.7%, and 3.4%, respectively. Compared with the 2015 year baseline, these data correlate with a decrease of peer-review concerns by 35.5% in 2016, 79.4% in 2017, and 81.1% in 2018.


Pharmacists have become increasingly instrumental in providing effective, cost-efficient, and accessible clinical services by continuing to move toward expanding and evolving roles within comprehensive, patient-centered clinical pharmacy practice settings.5,6 Multifaceted clinical responsibilities associated with health care delivery necessitate assessment and monitoring of pharmacist performance. Credentialing and privileging is an established and trusted systematic process that assures HCPs, employers, and patients that pharmacists are qualified and competent to practice clinically.2,4,12 Implementation of professional practice evaluations suggest improved staff compliance with visit documentation, patient care standards, and clinic processes required by CPAs, policies, and department standards to ensure the delivery of safe, high-quality patient care.


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