
Women at War: A Growing Body of Evidence-Based Research

Coeditor of Women at War highlights some of the most critical women’s health issues during deployment and the unique challenges faced by women service members and veterans.



Federal Practitioner talks with U.S. Army COL (Ret) Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, MD, MPH, co-editor of the new book Women at War. A member of the Federal Practitioner Editorial Advisory Association, Dr. Ritchie discusses the growing body of clinical research and guidelines for treating women soldiers and veterans.

[Scroll down to hear the full interview.]

Women currently make up about 15% of the military population, and more than 300,000 women have deployed since September 11, 2001. Women at War includes 19 chapters covering a host of topics, including deployment, issues at home, psychological challenges, and the veteran experience, reviewing epidemiology, changes in policy and demographics, factors affecting health, issues related to reproductive and urogenital health, and suggestions for health care providers treating women service members and veterans.

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