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Influenza Vaccination Safety During Hospitalization

Mayo Clin Proc; ePub 2019 Jan 8; Tartof, et al

Influenza vaccination during hospitalization is safe, according to a recent study that examined whether administration of the vaccine during hospitalization increases health care utilization, fever, and infection evaluations postdischarge. All influenza vaccinations administered in hospitalized patients aged ≥6 months during the period of August 1 to April 30 for influenza seasons 2011‒2012, 2012‒2013, and 2013‒2014 were identified. The risk of outcomes of interest between those who received influenza vaccination during their hospitalization vs those who were never vaccinated that season or were vaccinated at other times were compared. Among the findings:

  • 290,149 hospitalizations among 255,737 patients were included in the analysis.
  • In adjusted analysis, there was no increased risk of readmissions, outpatient visits, fever, and clinical evaluations for infection among those vaccinated during hospitalization compared with those who were never vaccinated or were vaccinated at other times.


Tartof SY, Qian L, Liu I-LA, et al. Safety of influenza vaccination administered during hospitalization. [Published online ahead of print January 8, 2019]. Mayo Clin Proc. doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2018.11.024.