Private Practice Perspectives

Building an effective community gastroenterology practice


During my medical training and fellowship, I often heard that my education was not preparing me for the real world. After 3 years of internal medicine training with limited exposure to the outpatient arena and 3-4 years of specialty gastroenterology, hepatology, and advanced procedure training, you’ve probably heard the same thing. If you’ve chosen private practice, the thought of building a practice and establishing referrals probably seems daunting. It doesn’t have to be. Most gastroenterologists who enter private practice have felt this way early on, and our experiences can help you navigate some of the major factors that influence clinical practice to build a thriving career in gastroenterology.

Conduct research on referrals

Dr. Latha Alaparthi is the Director of Committee Operations at the Gastroenterology Center of Connecticut and serves as Chair of the Communications Com Committee for the Digestive Health Physicians Association.

Dr. Latha Alaparthi

Once you’ve decided to join a practice, do some research about local dynamics between large hospital systems and private practice. Community clinical practice is unique and varies by region, location, and how the practice is set up. GIs working in rural, low-access areas face different challenges than those working in urban areas near major health care systems. In rural, low-access areas, some physicians have long wait lists for office appointments and procedures.

In urban settings, there may be a larger population of patients but more competition from hospital systems and other practices. In this case, you’ll have to figure out where most of the referrals come from and why – is it the group’s overall reputation or are there physicians in the practice with a highly needed specialty?

Determine if your specialty training can be a differentiator in your market. If you are multilingual and there is a large patient population that speaks the language(s) in which you are fluent, this can be a great way to bring new patients into a practice. This is especially true if there aren’t many (or any) physicians in the practice who are multilingual.

Meet with local physicians in health care systems. Make a connection with hospitalists, referring physicians, ED physicians, advanced practitioners, and surgeons while covering inpatient service. Volunteer for teaching activities – including for nursing staff, who are a great referral source.

Figure out what opportunities exist to have direct interactions with patients, such as health fairs. If possible, it might be smart to invest in marketing directly to patients in your community as well. Leverage opportunities provided by awareness months – such as providing patients with information about cancer screening – to establish a referral basis.

Medical practice is complex and at times can be confusing until you’ve practiced in a given location for some time. Look internally to learn about the community. It’s always a good idea to learn from those who have been practicing in the community for a long time. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and make suggestions, even if they seem naive. Develop relationships with staff members and gain their trust. Establishing a clear understanding of your specialty with your colleagues and staff also can be a good way to find referrals.


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