Practice Management Toolbox

Quality reporting of improvement activities in 2020


Leadership engagement in regular guidance and demonstrated commitment for implementing practice improvement changes

Ensure full engagement of clinical and administrative leadership in practice improvement that could include one or more of the following: Make responsibility for guidance of practice change a component of clinical and administrative leadership roles; Allocate time for clinical and administrative leadership for practice improvement efforts, including participation in regular team meetings; and/or Incorporate population health, quality and patient experience metrics in regular reviews of practice performance.
Subcategory name: Patient Safety and Practice Assessment
Activity weighting: Medium

Prescription drug use is a topic on every providers’ radar right now. Proper prescribing and monitoring of patients are crucial to their safety and quality of care. In the field of gastroenterology, step-therapy adds a new level of complication to the use of prescription drugs. Ensuring the proper medication protocols allows you to provide appropriate and timely treatment for your patients.

Annual registration in the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Annual registration by eligible clinician or group in the prescription drug–monitoring program of the state where they practice. Activities that simply involve registration are not sufficient. MIPS-eligible clinicians and groups must participate for a minimum of 6 months.

Subcategory name: Patient Safety and Practice Assessment
Activity weighting: Medium

As you can see, there are a variety of improvement activities that you can report on for 2020. This article has outlined several of them that you may already be doing in your practice, but many more can be found by visiting along with information on how to report and the necessary forms for submission.

Dr. Shah is associate professor, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, member of the AGA Quality Leadership Council. He has no disclosures.


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