Postfellowship Pathways

The road less traveled in gastroenterology and hepatology: Becoming a medical educator


How did you realize medical education was the pathway for you?

Near the end of medical school, I recall my friends and I casting predictions about what each person would be doing in twenty years. The projections offered up about my ultimate landing place were unanimous: a clinical researcher leading a gastroenterology division. I was excited when they said this to me. It made sense, as I had already done over 3 years of clinical research on inflammatory bowel disease at the time. But as I began leading various clinical research projects during my internal medicine residency, I realized that they were not generating a strong sense of fulfillment or passion for me. I greatly enjoyed the process of research and writing, but there still was something missing; I could no longer see the role of a funded clinical researcher sustaining me for the length of my medical and academic career.

Dr. Adam E. Mikolajczyk, University of Illinois Chicago

Dr. Adam E. Mikolajczyk

Thus, at the end of my 2nd year of residency, I began to self-reflect more on the various aspects of my medical journey to elucidate my path forward. This process was jump-started by a humbling recognition from that year’s graduating class of medical students for my contributions to their education over the past 3 years. I had served as a teaching assistant for their pathophysiology course and then subsequently worked alongside many of them on their medicine rotations. I realized that helping foster their growth as physicians in a longitudinal way was unquestionably the most rewarding experience that I had had to date. With further reflection, I recognized that, amid the chaos of a busy call day, I most looked forward to the moments when I could teach the interns and students about the nuances of the patients being admitted. It never felt like an obligation but rather always left me feeling revitalized. So, by the beginning of my 3rd year of residency, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career within medical education.

Once you decided to become a medical educator, what were your next steps?

As I began to vocalize this change in career trajectory, I did not always encounter enthusiastic support. Because the medical educator pathway is more typical amongst the general medicine community, some faculty members advised me to avoid solely focusing on medical education as a specialist because academic success would be difficult to attain. But I had just recognized this could be my vocation within medicine, so I could not turn back now. Thus, I began to seek the mentorship of educators at my institution, and many of them wisely advised me to consider pursuing additional training in medical education to accrue the skill sets needed to lay the groundwork for a lifelong career. So, I participated in a 1-year medical education fellowship in conjunction with my chief residency year. This training was profoundly formative; I learned about the various theories on adult learning, as well as how to create curricula, how to teach effectively in a clinical environment, and how to deliver meaningful feedback to learners. But perhaps most importantly, I learned how to generate tangible evidence of productivity within medical education to allow for advancement in academia. This included rigorously studying the impact of educational interventions. It became clear to me by the end of this year that the pathways of medical education and researcher were not incongruent but could actually be quite complementary. In light of this, I designed and implemented a mandatory inpatient hepatology curriculum for internal medicine residents, for which I studied its immediate and long-term effects throughout my gastroenterology and hepatology fellowships as well as during my time as an attending. Currently, I am also investigating medical students’ exposure to liver disease through a multicenter assessment. Projects such as these would not have been feasible without dedicated mentorship, but as alluded to above, in contrast to the traditional clinical research paradigm, my mentors have often been from outside the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology.


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