Member Spotlight

Culinary medicine guides rural GI doctor’s career


Q: Describe your biggest practice-related challenge and what you are doing to address it.
Dr. Tennyson: The small, rural community hospital where I currently work does not have the same resources and staffing as urban tertiary centers. While we are taking care of the community in our general gastroenterology practice, we’ve also launched an integrated care model in our hospital. We have collaborated with behavioral health, dietitians, nurses, health coaches, exercise physiologists as well as other members of the community, including farmers and a chef. We have performed some innovative, engaging programs, including fermentation workshops, cooking classes, farm walks, and mindfulness programs.

Q: What are you most proud of accomplishing?
Dr. Tennyson: I am proud that I took a nontraditional path after training to do what I enjoy and find rewarding. I received certification during GI fellowship at Mount Sinai [N.Y.] as a physician nutrition specialist. I later completed a fellowship in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona, received certification in lifestyle medicine, and completed coursework in culinary medicine. I really enjoyed doing locums work taking care of patients in other parts of the country, like Mississippi or Maine. I’ve enjoyed working in more rural areas and bringing some innovative programs to the community.

Q: What teacher or mentor had the greatest impact on you?
Dr. Tennyson: Dr. Anthony Grieco while I was a student at NYU. He is an astute clinician, always listened to his patients, loved clinical medicine, and had an endless fund of knowledge. I wanted to be a doctor like him. During my fellowship at Mount Sinai, I was also exposed to many great mentors including Dr. Lloyd Mayer, Dr. Jerome Waye, Dr. Steve Itzkowitz, and Dr. Blair Lewis who encouraged my interest in nutrition and small bowel diseases.

Lightning round

What's your superpower?
Finding fun in mundane things

Favorite movie to quote?
The Princess Bride

What is your favorite form of exercise?
A hike in the woods

Name one thing on your bucket list.
Galapagos Islands trip before my kids grow up

Cats or dogs?

Summer or winter?


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