
More cuts to physician payment ahead


In July, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule on proposed policy changes for Medicare payments. The proposed rule contains 2,883 pages of proposals for physician, hospital outpatient department, and ambulatory surgery center (ASC) payments for calendar year 2024. For gastroenterologists, there was good news and bad news.

CMS proposed to decrease the RVU conversion factor from $33.8872 in 2023 to $32.7476 in 2024, which would result in a 3.36% cut to physician payment. Medicare physician payments have been cut each year for the better part of a decade, with additional cuts proposed for 2024.

According to the American Medical Assocition, Medicare physician payment has already declined 26% in the last 22 years when adjusting for inflation, and that’s before factoring in the proposed cuts for 2024. Physicians are one of the only health care providers without an automatic inflationary increase, the AMA reports.

AGA opposes additional cuts to physician payments and will continue to advocate to stop them. AGA and many other specialty societies support H.R. 2474, the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act. This bill would provide a permanent, annual update equal to the increase in the Medicare Economic Index, which is how the government measures inflation in medical practice. We will continue to advocate for permanent positive annual inflation updates, which would allow physicians to invest in their practices and implement new strategies to provide high-value care.

But in some positive news from the 2024 Medicare PFS, the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and the ASC proposed rules include increased hospital outpatient departments and ASC payments, continued telemedicine reimbursement and coverage through 2024, and a second one-year delay in changes to rules governing split/shared visits. Specifically:

OPPS Conversion Factor: The proposed CY 2024 Medicare conversion factor for outpatient hospital departments is $87.488, an increase of 2.8%, for hospitals that meet applicable quality reporting requirements.

ASC Conversion Factor: The proposed CY 2024 Ambulatory Surgical Center conversion factor is $53.397, an increase of 2.8%, for ASCs that meet applicable quality reporting requirements. The AGA and our sister societies continue to urge CMS to reduce this gap in the ASC facility fees, when compared to the outpatient hospital facility rates, which are estimated to be a roughly 48% differential in CY 2024.

Telehealth: CMS proposes to continue reimbursing telehealth services at current levels through 2024. Payment for audio-only evaluation and management (E/M) codes will continue at parity with follow-up in-person visits as it has throughout the pandemic. Additionally, CMS is implementing telehealth flexibilities that were included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 by allowing telehealth visits to originate at any site in the United States. This will allow patients throughout the country to maintain access to needed telehealth services without facing the logistical and safety challenges that can surround in-person visits. CMS is proposing to pay telehealth services at the nonfacility payment rate, which is the same rate as in-person office visits, lift the frequency limits on telehealth visits for subsequent hospital and skilled nursing facility visits, and allow direct supervision to be provided virtually.

Split (or shared) visits: CMS has proposed a second one-year delay to its proposed split/shared visits policy. The original proposal required that the billing provider in split/shared visits be whoever spent more than half of the total time with the patient (making time the only way to define substantive portion). CMS plans to delay that through at least Dec. 31, 2024. In the interim, practices can continue to use one of the three key components (history, exam, or medical decision-making) or more than half of the total time spent to determine who can bill for the visit. The GI societies will continue to advocate for appropriate reimbursement to align with new team-based models of care delivery.

Notably, the split (or shared) visits policy was also delayed in 2023 because of widespread concerns and feedback that the policy would disrupt team-based care and care delivery in the hospital setting. The American Medical Association CPT editorial panel, the body responsible for creating and maintaining CPT codes, has approved revisions to E/M guidelines that may help address some of CMS’s concerns.

For more information on issues affecting gastroenterologists in the 2024 Medicare PFS and OPPS/ASC proposed rules, visit the AGA news website.

Dr. Garcia serves as an advisor to the AGA AMA Relative-value Update Committee. She is clinical associate professor of medicine at Stanford (Calif.) University, where she is director of the neurogastroenterology and motility laboratory in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology, and associate chief medical information officer in ambulatory care at Stanford Health Care.

Dr. Mehta serves as an alternate advisor to the AGA AMA Relative-value Update Committee. She is associate chief innovation officer, Penn Medicine, and associate professor of medicine and health policy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Neither author has relevant conflicts of interest.

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