Liver Disease
From the Journals
Acute hepatic porphyrias no longer as rare as previously thought
Recent treatment advances have improved the outlook for patients with acute hepatic porphyrias.
From the Journals
FAST score appears accurate for diagnosis of fibrotic NASH
The score may also reduce the number of patients undergoing unnecessary liver biopsy.
From the Journals
Diet packed with fast food found hard on the liver
“Striking” elevations in steatosis were evident among persons with obesity and diabetes who consumed fast food, in comparison with their...
From the Journals
Strong support to provide DAA therapy to all patients with HCV
The findings highlight a “substantial need to provide DAA therapy to all patients with HCV, regardless of disease stage or financial status.”
From the Journals
Nonheavy alcohol use associated with liver fibrosis, NASH
“Our results call this strict categorization into question, suggesting that even nonheavy alcohol use should be considered as a factor...
From the Journals
Lifestyle guidance app may be effective in NASH
“The widespread use of smartphones, which can process and communicate data in real time, makes them an ideal platform for therapeutic...
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A bold national plan to eliminate HCV by 2050
“We don’t get to use the ‘eliminate’ word all that often with a disease that’s taking thousands or tens of thousands – or worldwide, hundreds of...
From the Journals
Exosomes may drive HBV spread
Cellular packaging may also help evade the immune response.
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Poor NAFLD outcomes with increased VCTE-measured liver stiffness
The findings show that “progression to LSM-defined cirrhosis by VCTE is strongly associated with poor clinical outcomes.”
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Midodrine may be comparable to albumin for PICD prevention in ACLF
Given the small size of the open-label study, with only 25 patients in each arm, the results should be considered as proof of concept and need to...