
Receptor may play key role in sepsis


Red blood cell culture showing
Staphylococcus infection
Credit: Bill Branson

Researchers have identified a receptor that may be instrumental in the body’s response to sepsis. And they believe this discovery could be the key to unlocking new treatments for the disease.

The nociceptin receptor activates the chemical nociceptin. Previous research revealed that nociceptin is involved in inflammation; it is known to affect white blood cell function.

This suggests nociceptin has an important role in the body’s response to inflammation and sepsis, according to David Lambert, PhD, of the University of Leicester in the UK, and his colleagues.

The group’s theory, which they have explored in 2 papers published in PLOS ONE, is that nociceptin makes inflammation or sepsis worse. And by blocking the nociceptin system, the symptoms of sepsis could be reduced, which could lead to new treatments.

“We have found that nociceptin, a chemical similar to endorphins produced in the body, is increased in inflammation and sepsis,” said study author Jonathan Thompson, MD, MB ChB, also of the University of Leicester.

“This suggests that drugs which block the nociceptin receptor could dampen the widespread inflammation that occurs in sepsis, and improve outcome. More work is needed, but these drugs are being developed. If they are effective, then we could potentially save many lives.”

In their first paper, the researchers described how they used fluorescent chemistry to find nociceptin receptors on blood vessels with no nerve supply. The team also showed, in a lab model of sepsis, that blocking these receptors has a protective effect.

In the second paper, the researchers recounted their discovery that bloodstream nociceptin levels are elevated in sepsis patients in intensive care. This suggests nociceptin activation might be important in critically ill patients suffering from sepsis.

Dr Lambert and his colleagues noted that sepsis remains a leading cause of admission to intensive care units, with high mortality, costs, and long-term morbidity in those who survive. The incidence of severe sepsis has increased in the last decade, making the discovery of new treatments highly desirable.

“Sepsis is a major health problem . . . that has often been under-recognized,” Dr Thompson said. “It can be rapidly fatal, especially if not diagnosed and treated early, because inflammation can spread and affect many different organs in the body.”

Dr Lambert added, “I am particularly excited by these findings, as they translate many years of laboratory work into a possible target for this disease.”

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