Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

APHINITY 6-year data: Benefit ongoing in HER2+ early BC, no significant OS benefit

Key clinical point: 6-year APHINITY trial data show only a slight, nonsignificant difference in OS, but a benefit for invasive disease-free survival with adjuvant pertuzumab vs. placebo added to trastuzumab and chemotherapy in HER2+ early-stage breast cancer.

Major finding: Overall survival at 6 years was 94.8% vs. 93.9% with pertuzumab vs. placebo (HR, 0.85).

Study details: The phase 3 APHINITY trial of 4,805 patients.

Disclosures: The APHINITY trial is funded by Roche. Dr. Piccart reported receiving consulting fees from Roche and research funding to her institution from Roche and several other companies. She also is a consultant for the advisory boards of AstraZeneca, Camel-IDS, Crescendo Biologics, Debiopharm, G1 Therapeutics, Huya Bioscience International, and Immunomedics.


Piccart M et al. SABCS 2019, Abstract GS1-04.