COVID-19 Updates
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COVID-19: U.S. cardiology groups reaffirm continued use of RAAS-active drugs
Experts give ACE inhibitors and ARBs, cornerstones of cardiology therapy, a thumbs up despite a hypothetical adverse COVID-19 effect.
COVID-19 during pregnancy: How would you proceed in this case of a novel and ominous emerging pathogen?
COVID-19 guidance for children’s health care providers
Accurate information calmly delivered is the antidote to anxiety or panic in a stressful situation.
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Physicians and health systems can reduce fear around COVID-19
“We must look after our patients. But we also have to look after ourselves so that we can look after our patients,” said Dr. Peter M. Yellowlees...
During a viral pandemic, anxiety is endemic: The psychiatric aspects of COVID-19
As psychiatrists, we have an important role to play, especially for our patients who already suffer from anxiety disorders or depression.
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White House expands Medicare telehealth services amid COVID-19
Seniors across the nation, no matter where they live, will be able to receive a wide range of services via telehealth.
COVID-19 in pediatric patients: What the hospitalist needs to know
Children could be very efficient vectors of COVID-19 and potentially spread the pathogen to vulnerable populations.
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Coronavirus stays in aerosols for hours, on surfaces for days
Aerosol and fomite transmission of SARS-CoV-2 are plausible.
Potential GI manifestation, transmission of coronavirus
The virus appears to infect and could potentially spread through the gastrointestinal route.
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Treating COVID-19 in patients with diabetes
Most health advisories about COVID-2019 mention diabetes as one of the high-risk categories for the disease.