About MDedge Infectious Disease

MDedge Infectious Disease is an independent news source that provides infectious disease specialists with timely and relevant news and commentary on clinical advances as well as business and regulatory issues that impact the daily practice of medicine. The site is updated throughout the day with specialty-specific news and commentaries, physician-written columns, MD-IQ quizzes, Clinical Edge summaries, videos, podcasts, and special reports. MDedge Infectious Disease is owned by Frontline Medical Communications Inc.

Our Mission
MDedge Infectious Disease provides medical specialty news coverage tailored to the needs and interests of infectious disease specialists. Our medical journalists strive to provide news that is fair, balanced and accurate. We adhere to policies of fact verification and disclosures of interest by sources quoted in our articles. We encourage a lively forum of perspectives and opinions from our online communities. We seek to inform, engage, educate, and entertain in an environment of transparency and full disclosure.

Our Business
MDedge Infectious Disease is commercially supported by advertising and sponsorships. Online access to most of our content is free. Most premium content is available free to registered users. The sources of our content are clearly identified. MDedge Infectious Disease strives to provide content that is accurate, objective, and fair. Our news is not influenced by commercial sponsors or content contributors. MDedge Infectious Disease invites strategic alliances and partnerships with others who share its high standards and seek to serve and enhance the clinician community. We also welcome reciprocal linking arrangements with reputable infectious disease information and research websites. For more information regarding content integration and partnership opportunities, please contact Devin Gregorie dgregorie@mdedge.com or 516-381-8613.

About Frontline Medical Communications

Frontline Medical Communications (Frontline) Clinical and Medical News divisions form the industry’s largest medical communications company. Frontline serves more than 1.2 million physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, federally-employed physicians and other health care professionals with diverse print and interactive multimedia products and platforms, and live events. More than 30 enduring specialty brands offer a powerful synergy, including indexed, practical clinical journals and medical news and perspectives in Cardiology, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology/Diabetology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Obstetrics/ Gynecology, Hematology/Oncology, Orthopedic Surgery, Pain Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, General Surgery, and Vascular Surgery.

Frontline Medical Communications Inc. is headquartered at 283 - 299 Market St., (2 Gateway Building), 4th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102. Telephone: (973) 206-3434. For information: www.frontlinemedcom.com.

Last updated April 18, 2022.