From the Journals
COPD care bundle curbs all-cause readmissions
Patients with acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations also had increased maintenance therapy with bundled care plan
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The right indoor relative humidity could ward off COVID
The “sweet spot” associated with reduced COVID-19 cases and deaths is 40%-60% indoor relative humidity.
A plane crash interrupts a doctor’s vacation
‘My oldest brother-in-law jumped into his ski boat and we sped out to the scene.’
From the Journals
Flu vaccination associated with reduced stroke risk
“What we were most surprised by was the sheer magnitude of the effect and that it existed across different adult age groups, for both sexes, and...
‘A huge deal’: Millions have long COVID, and more are expected
More than a quarter say their condition is severe enough to significantly limit their day-to-day activities.
From the Journals
Buzz kill: Lung damage looks worse in pot smokers
Emphysema was significantly more common among smokers (75%) than among nonsmokers, a new study finds.
Conference Coverage
Combination therapy shows mixed results for scleroderma-related lung disease
A study of mycophenolate mofetil alone and in combination with pirfenidone for scleroderma-related interstitial lung disease showed mixed results...
Conference Coverage
Rituximab ‘a reasonable alternative to cyclophosphamide’ to improve ILD-CTD
A clinical trial found that rituximab and cyclophosphamide had similar outcomes for interstitial lung disease associated with connective tissue...
Conference Coverage
EHR-based thromboembolism risk tool boosted prophylaxis
A thromboembolism risk calculator in a hospital’s EHR led to a significant rise in appropriate thromboprophylaxis and a drop in thromboembolic...
Man with COVID finally tests negative after 411 days
The man was treated with a mixture of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies.
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COVID bivalent booster better vs. recent Omicron subvariants: Pfizer
An ongoing phase 2 trail shows the vaccine offered the strongest protection in people older than 55 years.