Clinical Review

Medical Therapy for Osteoporosis and Approaches to Improving Adherence



Some patients restart osteoporosis therapy after a prolonged lapse in medication use. In one study, re-initiation rates for bisphosphonate therapy among persons who discontinued were as high as 30% within 6 months and 50% within 2 years [44]. Predictors of treatment re-initiation included younger age, female sex, history of fracture, recent hip fracture, nursing home discharge, and BMD testing [44].

Factors that Impact Adherence

Understanding which patients are most likely to be compliant with medications can aid physicians when monitoring osteoporosis treatment responses. In a retro-spective claims analysis, older age was found to be a predictor of compliance: women 65 years and older were more likely to be compliant than younger patients ( P = 0.012) [45]. Among women receiving denosumab, improved adherence was found among women with a family history of a parent with a hip fracture, and lower adherence was seen in those with higher age, decreased mobility, and further distance from the clinic where the medication was provided [46].

Major reasons for nonadherence include a fear of potential side effects, occurrence of real side effects, the complicated dosing regimens, and perceived lack of benefit from the medications due to the asymptomatic nature of osteoporosis. In the above noted observational study from the U.K., more than half of the nonadherent patients attributed their nonadherence to side effects (53.9%), with a smaller proportion reporting fear of potential side effects (20.5%) or trouble with the dosing regimen (8.0%)[42].

Patients may also be unwilling to continue to take an osteoporosis medication if a fracture develops while on it and if they are not otherwise provided evidence that the medication is working. In a study by Costa Paiva et al, an understanding and knowledge to osteoporosis was a prerequisite to adherence and the strongest predictor of knowledge was higher education level [47]. Factors that impaired adherence were lower socioeconomic status and presence of comorbidities [47]. In a phenomenological qualitative study, trust in a health care provider was the most common reason for patients’ decision to accept an osteoporosis medication, emphasizing the importance of physician-patient communication [48].

Interventions to Enhance Adherence

Current methods of improving adherence for chronic health problems are mostly complex and not very effective [49]. In a systematic review of interventions to improve medication adherence, only 37 out of 81 studies reported improved adherence in the treatment of chronic diseases, and multifaceted treatments were more likely to succeed [49]. Improving adherence to osteoporosis medications is a complex issue, and a number of interventions evaluated in systematic reviews have shown limited efficacy [50,51]. Simplification of dosing regimens have been found to have a significant impact in chronic disease management [52,53] as well as in some studies of osteoporosis medications.

Simplification of Dosing

Among women prescribed daily vs. weekly bisphosphonates, those on the weekly regimen had significantly higher compliance [54]. However, rates were suboptimal in both groups and more than 50% of women discontinued at 1 year [54]. In addition, in a meta-analysis of osteoporosis medication adherence, a nearly two-fold higher odds of discontinuation with daily vs. weekly bisphosphonates was seen (odds ratio 1.90, 95% CI 1.81–2.00) [55]. Likewise, in a retrospective study in Spain, nearly 85% of those started on a daily bisphosphonate stopped within a year [56], while discontinuation was significantly lower in those prescribed a weekly or monthly bisphosphonate or daily teriparatide; however, discontinuation was still nearly 50% in these groups [56].


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