Evidence-Based Reviews

Antipsychotics and seizures: What are the risks?

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There is not enough evidence to recommend performing an EEG in all patients taking antipsychotics. Such testing is recommended only for patients who have predisposing factors for seizures. If an EEG shows any abnormality in a patient taking clozapine, consider decreasing the clozapine dose69,70 or adding an antiepileptic drug such as valproic acid or lamotrigine.44,70

Although clozapine carries a black-box warning of increased risk of causing seizures, there is no consensus regarding the efficacy of co-prescribing an antiepileptic. Some studies have suggested prescribing valproic acid prophylactically,71 after the occurrence of 1 seizure,59 or after 2 seizures.54,72 Others have recommended prescribing prophylactic valproic acid for patients taking ≥600 mg/d of clozapine or whose clozapine plasma levels are >500 mg/L.73 Varma et al55 recommended starting an antiepileptic medication if there are clear epileptiform discharges on EEG, if the patient develops stuttering or speech difficulties, or if seizures occur. Liukkonen et al72 advised initiating an antiepileptic at the start of clozapine treatment in patients who are taking other epileptogenic medications, patients with pre-existing seizure disorder, and patients with neurologic abnormalities. On the other hand, Caetano51 argued against primary prevention of seizures for patients receiving >600 mg/d of clozapine, suggesting that the risk of seizures would be better managed by close clinical monitoring and measures of clozapine serum concentration rather than adding an anticonvulsant drug.”

Current recommendations for primary and secondary prevention of clozapine-induced seizures are detailed in Table 5.42,44,45,51,55,57,69,74,75

Prevention of clozapine-induced seizures

Studies addressing the seizurogenic potential of SGAs other than clozapine have a low level of evidence and include patients who had comorbid conditions and were taking other medications that could cause seizures. Additionally, clinical trials of SGAs rarely include patients with seizure disorders; this might underestimate the risk of seizures.4

The effect of the mental illness itself on the seizure threshold needs to be considered.43 Bloechlinger et al8 found that dementia might be inherently associated with a higher risk of antipsychotic-related seizures. Moreover, numerous qualitative EEG studies have found abnormalities in 20% to 60% of patients with schizophrenia.56 Other quantitative studies have reported mild and nonspecific EEG abnormalities, such as increased delta and/or theta activity, in many non-medicated patients with schizophrenia.10,76 Additionally, brain tissue analysis of deceased patients who had schizophrenia has shown a significant increase in dopamine concentrations in the left amygdala compared with controls, and this might be responsible for enhanced electrical activity in this region.10 Some studies have described EEG slowing in the frontal brain regions of patients with schizophrenia,77 and was selectively normalized in these areas with antipsychotics.78

As always, start low, go slow

Mounting evidence suggests that antipsychotic medications decrease the seizure threshold. Practitioners should thus be cautious in prescribing antipsychotics and should target reaching the minimal effective dose with slow titration, especially in patients with predisposing factors for epilepsy.

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