Evidence-Based Reviews

Assessing decisional capacity in patients with substance use disorders

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Bechara and Damasio5 found that the decision-making impairment seen in some patients with SUDs was similar to that observed in patients who have lesions of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. In both groups of patients, the impaired decision-making was characterized by a preference to opt for high immediate reward despite even higher future losses.

These deficits were also observed by Grant et al.6 In this study, patients with SUDs displayed markedly impaired performance on the Gambling Task, which examines decisions that result in long-term losses that exceed short-term gains. However, patients with SUDs performed similarly to controls on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, which evaluates the ability to form abstract concepts and to shift from established response sets.

MacDonald et al7 used a laboratory experiment and 2 field studies to test the hypothesis that alcohol affects attitudes and intentions toward drinking and driving. Their findings support the concept that alcohol intoxication decreases cognitive capacity such that people are more likely to attend to only the most salient cues.7

Whether the impairment documented in such studies is a contributing factor in addiction or is a result of addiction remains uncertain. While individuals with SUDs may have some level of impairment in decision-making in general, particularly in regard to their substance use, their decisional capacity on specific clinical decisions should be assessed carefully. In a study of 300 consecutive psychiatric consultations for decisional capacity at an urban hospital, Boettger et al8 found that 41% were related to SUDs. Of these, 37% were found to have impaired decisional capacity.

Impaired decision-making in patients with SUDs may specifically pertain to choices related to their addiction, including9:

  • consent for addiction treatment
  • consistency in maintaining a choice of recovery
  • changing values regarding treatment over time
  • capacity to participate in addiction research involving the use of addictive substances.

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