Expert Perspective

Update on Migraine Prevention 2023

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What is your experience with prescribing preventive medication for your patients with migraine?

Roughly 40% of patients living with migraine should be on preventive medication or other treatment, but probably fewer than 15% of patients with migraine are currently receiving therapy. There are several reasons for this: General physicians rarely put patients on preventive medication unless they are interested in or knowledgeable about headache, and the older preventive medicines that neurologists and headache specialists have used for many years have a lot of potential side effects and do not begin to work quickly.

It takes approximately 2 to 3 months for preventive medication to become effective, and many patients need to be slowly titrated up to an effective dose. By the time patients reach a steady state over a few weeks, if it is still not working well, they must slowly taper it and try something else. This is what often occurs with older preventive migraine medications—especially one of the most commonly used preventives, topiramate (Topamax). This drug was first indicated for epilepsy and then later for mood stabilization . Though it has good efficacy in reducing migraine attacks, it has many possible side effects, some of them troublesome. I often had multiple calls from patients in their first month of taking it complain of memory or word-finding issues and tingling in the extremities. More serious adverse events can be increased pressure in the eyes, such as glaucoma, and kidney stones . I often get referrals from other neurologists and headache specialists regarding patients who have failed multiple preventive medicines; 90% percent of these referrals need to be switched to the newer, more costly calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-blocking preventative medications, if insurance companies will cover them.

What categories of migraine preventive drugs do you generally prescribe your patients?

Of the older medications, most are epilepsy medicines, beta blocker s, antidepressants, or cardiac medications such as angiotensin receptor blockers (candesartan). Of the newer medications, I use 1 of the 4 injectable monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), or 1 of the 2 gepants.

Older migraine preventive medication

Anticonvulsants (epilepsy medications)

Anticonvulsants are used for the treatment of several conditions, including epilepsy and pain control, but some can help reduce migraine attacks. These medicines, like all drugs, have the potential to cause side effects, especially topiramate; this medicine often causes paresthesia or tingling in the extremities as well as trouble with speech and memory, kidney stones, pancreatitis, and weight loss. The weight loss side effect of this drug has made it more appealing for some patients who had previously gained 10 to 15 pounds taking antidepressant medication to treat their migraine. I personally thought it was the most effective of all the preventive migraine medications if the patient could tolerate it.

Beta Blockers

Beta blockers cause the heart rate to decrease and also lower blood pressure. Most of my migraine patients are healthy females in their 20s and 30s and, when taking a beta blocker, can get short of breath when they exercise. These medications can also cause some depression and gastrointestinal issues and raise cholesterol levels.


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