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Care bundle improves outcome in ICH: INTERACT3



NNT of 35 to save one life free of disability

“The number needed to treat (NNT) is just 35 to save a life free of disability,” Dr. Anderson commented. “That’s pretty good. We estimate that this care bundle would save tens of thousands of lives a year if universally adopted.”

The intervention group also spent less time in hospital and had improved health-related quality of life.

Dr. Anderson pointed out that the interventions included in the care bundle were all relatively easy to perform.

“They just require a bit more nursing time and the use of a few inexpensive medicines and maybe infusion pumps, but we’re not talking about the need for skilled surgery or a new therapy costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, so this care bundle should be very straightforward to implement. While we haven’t done a formal cost-effectiveness analysis, I would say it will definitely be good value for money.”

Dr. Anderson believes the rapid lowering of blood pressure is a very important part of the care bundle. He noted that target levels were achieved, on average, in 2.3 hours, compared with 4.0 hours in the control group. But he stressed that this was not just a trial of blood pressure reduction and that the whole package is important.

He gave a couple of possible reasons why this trial was successful whereas previous trials did not show a clear benefit of blood pressure lowering in ICH.

“Firstly, it was a very large trial with more than 7,000 patients – that is more than three times larger than any other trial in ICH. And secondly, the package of care means there are several different interventions that together show a real benefit,” he said. “It’s like the polypill, or a rehabilitation program – if you put several different things together, the whole package can show really positive results.”

Dr. Anderson also pointed out that the study included a wide spectrum of ICH patients, and the benefit of the care bundle was seen across all groups and all stroke severities.

“There were a lot of patients with a large ICH, and if anything, they showed an even larger benefit with the bundle of care,” he said.

The researchers note that the burden of ICH is greatest in low- and middle-income countries. In 2019, 30% of all stroke cases in these countries were ICH, almost double the proportion seen in high-income countries (16%). This is in part attributable to high rates of hypertension and limited resources for primary prevention, including identification and management of stroke risk factors by health care services.

‘Outstanding example’ of less therapeutic negativity

Lili Song, MD, PhD, joint lead author and head of the Stroke Program at the George Institute China, Beijing, said, “A lack of proven treatments for ICH has led to a pessimistic view that not much can be done for these patients.

“However, with INTERACT3, we demonstrate on a large scale how readily available treatments can be used to improve outcomes in resource-limited settings,” she said. “We hope this evidence will inform clinical practice guidelines across the globe and help save many lives.”

In a comment that accompanied the article, Wendy Ziai, MD, Matthew Bower, MD, and Daniel Hanley, MD, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, say the INTERACT3 study shows that “an intracerebral hemorrhage care bundle focused on physiological control interventions, whether synergistic or not, might promote better outcomes in hospitals where care has not previously optimized sustained interventions.”

Pointing out that the care bundle has minimal risks of cost and coordination and a high public health effect, they conclude: “This effort is an outstanding example of why less therapeutic negativity, and more intervention might benefit survivors of intracerebral hemorrhage.”

The INTERACT3 study was funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Medical Research Council, and the Wellcome Trust (all in the United Kingdom), the West China Hospital Outstanding Discipline Development 1–3-5 Programme, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Sichuan Credit Pharmaceutical, and Takeda (China).

A version of this article first appeared on


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