Managing Your Practice

Managing Your Practice

How to develop a patient referral program

Nothing provides as much benefit – relative to its comparatively low cost – as the original marketing tool, word-of-mouth patient referrals.

Managing Your Practice

Artificial intelligence in your office

Some AI-based tools are available to use in your office right now, with no “existential” threat to anybody.

Managing Your Practice

The multitasking myth

There really are too many tasks and not enough hours in the day. How can you get through them without falling into the multitasking trap?

Managing Your Practice

Protecting your practice data

You may think that your computer vendor is responsible for safeguarding your data, but third parties can only do so much.

Managing Your Practice

Evolve your website

Many potential patients are searching for your services online, so your website cannot be an afterthought.

Managing Your Practice

OSHA revisited

Standards most applicable to medical offices are those dealing with personal protective equipment, bloodborne pathogens, hazard communication, and...

Managing Your Practice

Firing patients

One might assume that, just as patients are free to accept or reject their doctors, physicians have an equal right to reject their patients; to a...

Managing Your Practice

Don’t keep your patients waiting

Everyone works at a different pace. Determine the number of patients you can comfortably see in an hour, and book only that number.

Managing Your Practice

New Year’s resolutions

I can't presume to know what issues need addressing in your practice, but I do know the ones I get asked about most often,
