
Guidelines for children with obesity: Family and treatment are key


Douglas Lunsford’s son Samuel has struggled with obesity all his life.

Just before turning 14, Samuel, now 25, took part in a program at Ohio-based Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition. The program consisted of twice-weekly meetings with a nutritionist, including lessons in food portion size, what food does within the body, what foods can be used to supplement other foods, and similar topics, as well as physical exercise.

Although the program was designed for youngsters with weight problems, Mr. Lunsford also took part.

“They would exercise us and work us out,” he said.

Father and son did the program together for 2 years. Since then, Mr. Lunsford has advocated for youngsters with obesity.

“Samuel’s struggle spurred us into action,” he said.

Eventually, Mr. Lunsford helped create the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recently released Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Obesity.

Helping create change

According to Sandra Hassink, MD, coauthor of the guideline and vice chair of the Clinical Practice Guideline Subcommittee on Obesity, the goal was to “help patients make changes in lifestyle, behaviors, or environment in a sustainable way and also to involve families in decision-making at every step of the way.”

The guideline recommends comprehensive obesity treatment that may include nutritional support, exercise, behavioral therapy, medication, and metabolic and bariatric surgery.

Ideally, a child would receive intense behavioral and lifestyle treatment, although this approach isn’t always available and might be challenging to deliver. The most effective treatments include at least 26 hours of face-to-face, family-based treatments, consisting of many different components and lasting 3-12 months.

The guideline suggests that doctors offer adolescents 12 and older medication to assist in weight loss, along with health, behavior, and lifestyle treatment, and that teens who have severe obesity should consider metabolic and bariatric surgery as they continue intense health behavior and lifestyle treatment.

“We’re living at a time where we’ve watched obesity affect our children and adult population for 4 decades and, along with the risk of obesity, we’ve watched a rise in obesity; we’re seeing increases in illness that go along with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, lipid diseases like high cholesterol, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,” Dr. Hassink said.

She explained that, as people gain weight, the cells in adipose (fatty) tissues start to malfunction and produce inflammatory chemicals that cause these illnesses.

“So having extra adipose tissue is a risk,” she said. “As pediatricians, we measure body mass index [BMI] – which is calculated based on height and weight – as a way of seeing whether the child could be at risk for developing these dysfunctioning cells. If so, we screen them for prediabetes, lipid disease, or liver disease and other obesity-related comorbidities.”

In addition, “we’re concerned about the mental health of children with obesity because of the weight bias in our culture,” said Dr. Hassink. “A child gets stigmatized, and this takes the form of bullying and teasing, and leads to low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. So we know we have a host of physical problems we need to look out for, as well as the emotional and psychological effects of how our culture views things.”


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