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Bystander rescue breathing CPR in kids tied to better survival
“Many programs teach compression-only CPR to lay rescuers, and there should be a renewed emphasis on rescue breathing for the possibility a lay...
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Novel mutation may be unrecognized cause of sudden infant death
Genetic testing using a comprehensive arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy next-generation sequencing panel revealed a de novo likely pathogenetic...
From the Journals
AHA targets rising prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in children
The American Heart Association’s scientific statement on obstructive sleep apnea in children and adolescents provides clarity on polysomnography...
Heparin’s COVID-19 benefit greatest in moderately ill patients
A multiplatform trial reported that therapeutic heparin improved outcomes in moderately ill COVID-19 patients but not in critically ill patients...
From the Journals
Tachycardia syndrome may be distinct marker for long COVID
Post-COVID patients with palpitations or chest pain should undergo a cardiac workup, new research suggests. The data also shed light on potential...
Heart doc offering ‘fountain of youth’ jailed for 6 1/2 years
The hammer finally fell on the disgraced Pennsylvania cardiologist after an eleventh-hour motion and a 2019 guilty verdict in a multimillion-...
What is the real risk of smart phones in medicine?
Advancements in technology can present unforeseen challenges and even compromise safety.
How heat kills: Deadly weather ‘cooking’ people from within
Heatstroke not only affects people with risk factors but also young people in their 20s with muscle breakdown markers through the roof, as well as...
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Long-term outcome data suggest optimism for MIS-C patients
Most inflammatory and cardiac manifestations of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children resolved by 9 months.
From the Journals
Infusion centers may best EDs for treating sickle cell crises
At infusion centers, patients received pain medication an average of 70 minutes faster compared with patients treated in EDs.
From the Journals
New details of myocarditis linked to COVID vaccines
Further details from multiple cases of myocarditis linked to the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID vaccines have been described in recent papers in...